Wistia’s video analytics help you understand how your viewers are engaging with your It’s a Money Thing content. You can view statistics at the Folder level (statistics for all videos), Video level (statistics for individual videos) or Channel level (statistics for videos views on your channel).
Note: Wistia’s Analyze pages only track activity that takes place within the Wistia platform. Wistia videos you’ve embedded or linked to are measured, but videos you’ve uploaded directly to Facebook or other social media sites are not.
Folder-level Stats (All Videos)
Folder-level statistics offer a high-level view of all the viewing data in your account.
Accessing Folder-level Stats
From the Folder Page, click on Analyze.
Reading Folder-level Stats
At the top of the Analyze Page is the option to select a date range. Choose from eight preset date ranges, or use the calendar widget to select a custom range.
- The Folder Analytics page includes a number of different metrics to understand how your media are performing:
Plays: The total number of initial play button clicks in a session.
Play Rate: Out of the number of people who loaded content on a web page, this percentage of people played it.
Time Played: The total number of time your viewers spent watching or listening your media within the selected date range.
Unique Visitors: The number of distinct individuals who visited your content at least once within the selected date range.
Engagement: The average amount of time spent consuming your content.
Conversion Rate: This does not apply to your videos since there are no calls to action.
of the number of people who saw a conversion opportunity (Lead Generation Tools) this percentage of people completed the desired action.
Click on the dropdown menu in the top left of the chart to select from the following charts: Plays, Play Rate, Time Played, Engagement, Unique Visitors and Conversion Rate.
You can also select between Day, Week and Month depending on the date range selected.
Mouse over the chart to view stats for a specific day.
The Top Media by Plays chart at the bottom of the page ranks the most played videos for the selected time period. It also compares additional video metrics, including Play Rate, Time Played, Engagement and Unique Visitors.
Clicking on a video title takes you to its Video-level stats.
Video-level Stats (Individual Videos)
Video-level statistics show you heatmaps of viewing activity for a specific video.
Accessing Video-level Stats
From the Folder Page, click on the video you wish to view statistics for. This will take you to the Media Page.
From the Media Page, in the sidebar to the left of your screen, click on Analytics.
You can find detailed insights into how your media was played — both at the aggregate level through the engagement graph, and individually through heatmaps.
You will see a summary of video metrics, an engagement graph and a list of heatmaps below it.
Note: You will see information about your videos on the Embed, Traffic and Engagement tabs, however there will be no data on the Social and Conversion tabs since these options do not apply to your videos.
On your media analytics page, under the Embed tab, you can find detailed analytics about the embed location of your media.
The chart here shows the number of visits, plays, play rate, time played and engagement. You can filter the chart based on which one of these data points you’d like to view. If your media is embedded in multiple locations, this chart will show the top five locations. Hovering over different points on the chart will show you that data for each embed location.
To filter these analytics for a specific timeframe, select the dropdown that says “Last 7 days.” From here, you can also choose to view a number of other timeframes.
- Last 30 days
- Last 90 days
- Last 365 days
- This week
- This month
- This quarter
- This year
- All available
Embed location
The table below displays the top ten embed locations, so you can see a breakdown of where your traffic is coming from. The embed location includes any page where your media is played. For example, a webpage embed, your media's page in Wistia, and a Channel if a video is referenced there as well.
Traffic Analytics
If you’re sharing your videos across multiple platforms – websites, emails, ads, events and social media – you can get a breakdown of where your viewers are coming from and which channels are driving the most traffic to your videos under the Traffic tab in your Media’s Analytics.
Engagement Graph
On the media analytics page you’ll see Average Engagement next to the engagement graph. The average engagement for your media’s playback shows you how much attention your viewers are paying to your content.
Engagement is calculated by looking at the total plays and multiplying that number by the length of the media. This gives us the total amount of time your audience could have spent consuming your content (or 100% engagement rate). Then we take the actual time people spent playing the media (hours played), and divide that by the first number. And boom! Engagement rate.
Reading Heatmaps
Heatmaps contain contextual information (when the video was watched and where) and a color-coded timeline which represents how the viewer interacted with the video. At the end of each heatmap is the total percentage of the video that viewer watched.
Heatmaps show you second-by-second how your individual audience members engaged with your media. They’re color-coded to show which parts of the media were most interesting.
Export to CSV
Your video-level stats can be exported to a CSV file for viewing in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. Click the Export Stats to CSV button at the bottom of the Engagement tab page.