You can easily grant team members access to your Wistia account. This is helpful if you typically have more than one person working with your It’s a Money Thing video content.
Adding a New User
From the Channel Page, click on Permissions.
Click on the Add User button.
This will open the Add User screen.
- In the User email field, type your team member’s email address and press return.
Note: You can add more than one new user at a time.
2. Assign a Channel Role to your new user(s) by selecting either Viewer or Collaborator:
A Viewer can only view and comment on Channel content.
A Collaborator can edit Channel content and add more users to your Channel.
3. (Optional) ) If you’d like to send new users a custom email invitation, check the box beside Include a personalized message and fill out the Subject and Message fields.
4. Click the Add button to finish. New users will now have access to your Channel content.