Ensuring Your It's a Money Thing Content is ADA Compliant
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that businesses (including credit unions) make accessibility accommodations to enable the disabled public to access the same services as clients who are not disabled. This includes electronic media and websites.
If you intend to add your It's a Money Thing content to your credit union's website, here are specific measures that you can take with each content type to ensure ADA compliance.
- We include video hosting with all of our plans using Wistia and all of the videos include ADA-compliant closed captions
- Simply follow these instructions to embed the videos into your website
- If you chose to upload your videos natively to social media platforms, we recommend uploading the included SubRip (.srt) files along with your videos; we provide detailed instructions on how to add closed captions to your Facebook videos
- The presentations are provided in PDF format
- If you intend to add the presentations to your website, we recommend using SlideShare (a free service provided by LinkedIn) and then embedding the files on your website
- SlideShare automatically adds a text transcript of each slide
- Underneath the embedded presentation file, add a link to the original file on SlideShare to provide access to the text transcript
- More tips on using the presentations
- Include an alt tag with each image
- Add an alt description that describes the purpose of the image
- Since the infographics are complex graphics, they should be accompanied by detailed text descriptions; we provide an infographic transcript with every content pack—this text can be included below the infographic or on a separate linked page
- More tips on using the infographics
- The handouts are provided in PDF format
- If you intend to add the PDFs to your website, make sure that any links to the PDFs are accompanied by detailed text descriptions
- More tips on using the handouts
- The articles are supplied in plain text and can be added directly to a web page
- No additional measures are necessary
- More tips on using the articles
Social media graphics
- Include an alt tag with each image
- Add an alt description that describes the purpose of the image
- If an image is also used as a link, make sure the alt tag describes the graphic and the link destination
- Here's instructions for customizing alt tags and descriptions on the major social media platforms:
ADA compliance checklist
To check your website for accessibility, use the accessibility checklist published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Here's a simplified version:
- Images have alternate text that can be read by screen reader software
- Recorded video content includes captions
- Video or audio-only content is accompanied by text transcript or description
- Links are provided to media players required to view content
- Headings are presented in logical order
- “b” and “i” tags are replaced with “strong” and “em”
- There are no empty links or heading tags
- Presentation does not rely solely on color
- Automatically-played audio does not occur or can be stopped
- The keyboard can be used to navigate the site
- Keyboard focus is never stuck on one particular page element
- Time limits provide notifications to the user
- Automatically scrolling or blinking content can be stopped
- No strobe effects or rapidly flashing colors occur on the site
- “Skip navigation” functionality allows keyboard users to quickly access content
- Page titles clearly and succinctly describe page content
- Buttons and links are clearly and logically named
- The language of each page is identified in code
- Elements receiving focus do not change content in a substantial way
- Invalid form input is identified to the user
- Forms have labels and legends that can be read by screen reader software
- Live video or audio content includes captions.
- Contrast ratio between text and page backgrounds is at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text
- Text on pages can be resized to 200% while still maintaining form
- Images are not used where text can achieve the same purpose
- Pages on the site can be accessed in multiple ways
- Keyboard focus is visible and clear
- Menus and buttons are used consistently regardless of the user’s location in the site
- Users are given suggestions on how to solve input errors
- An error prevention technique is used whenever the user is entering sensitive data
- Underlined text that does not provide a link is removed
- Redundant links on the same page are eliminated or minimized
- ADA Compliance Checklist https://www.paperstreet.com/ADA-compliance-checklist/
- Website Accessibility Under Title II of the ADA https://www.ada.gov/pcatoolkit/chap5toolkit.htm
- Title II Checklist (Website Accessibility) https://www.ada.gov/pcatoolkit/chap5chklist.htm
- HTML 508 Checklist https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/hhs-508-webapps-checklist.xlsx
- WCAG 2.0 Checklist from WebAIM http://webaim.org/standards/wcag/WCAG2Checklist.pdf